Evaluation of the interaction between seed size and seeding depth on canola establishment and yield.
Funded by:
Canadian Agriculture Partnership Program
Khalil Ahmed PhD., P. Ag.
The cost of canola seed is getting higher day by day. Producers are always looking for cost-effective seeding options. Development of new canola traits and precision planting equipment may alter seeding rates, depth recommendations and reduced overall seeding expense for canola.
This project was established to investigate the interactions of canola seed size and depth.
During 2020, the first year of the research, experiments were conducted in several locations across Alberta: Forestburg, Bonnyville and Falher, by Battle River Research Group (BRRG), Lakeland Applied Research Association (LARA), and SARDA Ag Research. The sites were located at Forestburg (BRRG), Fort Kent (LARA) and Falher (SARDA). The duration of the project is 2020-2023. The study aims to provide producers with the ability to improve on-farm production by understanding the interaction between seed size and planting depth on canola establishment and yield.
The following four seed size classes were utilized: 2.0-3.0 (TKW), 4.0-4.6 (TKW), 4.7-4.8 (TKW), and 4.9-5.7 (TKW), and seeded at three different planting depths: 1 cm, 2.5 cm, and 4 cm. The trial was laid in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications to reduce error.
The appropriate fertilizer blend was applied to the research site based on a 100% recommendation. Agronomic characters evaluated included measurement of total precipitation and average daily temperature recorded, soil moisture at the time of seeding, emergence assessed through ½ m2 plant counts, days to flower and maturity, plant height per plot and grain yield.
2020 was first year of study. This year, no significant differences were observed in plant emergence and plant height; however, the canola's highest yield was recorded at a depth of 2.5 cm with a seed size of 5.3 (TKW).

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