Innovative Projects

Hemp as an alternative forage
The objectives of this project are to:
Identify hemp varieties that are suitable for grazing. We will use three hemp varieties. These varieties have
been chosen as they are genetically diverse and are known to be adapted to the environmental conditions of Alberta. The nutritional value of at different growth stages of the hemp plants will be compared with
standard. We established the small research plot at Galahad at two different locations.

Applying humalite for enhancing wheat and canola production and soil health
Therefore, the objectives of this project are to:
(1) Evaluate the effect of different humalite application rates on wheat and canola yield/quality;
(2) Determine ideal application rates of humiliate in wheat and canola production systems;
(3) Evaluate the effects of different humalite application rates on nitrogen use efficiency in different soil zones and plant nutrient uptake
(4) And assess the effects of humalite on soil health parameters. The goal is to identify the ideal application rate for humilite and fertilizer, quantify how these rates affect yield and yield in wheat and canola, and the short-term effects on soil health.

Impact of soil amendments on root-borne diseases, N uptake, soil health, and field crops productivity in four soil zones of Alberta
The specific objective of this proposal is to assess and compare the impacts of four commonly known soil amendments applications on root-borne disease, N availability, crop productivity, and economic feasibility. This project will generate soil zone-specific information about the efficacy of each soil amendment critical to farmers. The research outcome will help producers make informed decisions about disease prevention, optimize N fertilizer rates, soil conservation, and enhance crop production.